Co-Create A Thriving Sustainable World
We are changemaker leaders and meditation teachers who bring a new era of empowering sustainable leadership into this world – rooted in inner sustainability as the basis for creating global sustainability.
Mikaela Schain
I am fully dedicated to helping leaders bring out the best in themselves and their organizations, supporting them to step up and lead the sustainable transformation of our world.
By blending my expertise in sustainability strategy and action with a deep-rooted meditation practice for over 15 years, I guide leaders towards a new paradigm – one that fosters sustainable transformation and innovation from within.
Just as a tree needs strong roots to bear fruitful branches, a sustainable future requires individuals and organizations to cultivate a solid inner foundation. By nurturing qualities such as empathy, resilience, and inner stability, I empower leaders to make conscious decisions, leading to long-lasting, positive impacts on people and society.
At Super, I also support forward-thinking businesses to navigate rapid global changes and adopt sustainable practices that enhance their resilience and competitiveness. I design and deliver strategic processes, educational programs, coaching sessions, and events that inspire and empower leaders and teams to leap into a brighter future for themselves and the planet.
We need to create a resilient world where all can flourish sustainably. I am excited to work together to co-create the future we all want!

Erik Rosin
I am completely passionate about creating an awesome sustainable world where all beings thrive.
That passion has been expressed in different ways over the last 15 years; for example through sustainability communication and strategy, social entrepreneurship, and volunteering as a meditation teacher.
From experiencing life-changing results from these years of meditation practice, learning timeless principles for empowering leadership, and integrating these in my roles as a changemaker, I want to share these with other sustainability leaders.
We have all the resources to create an awesome sustainable world for all – what is lacking is access to our inner sustainability – so we can co-create that world with true equality, ease, harmony, cheerfulness, and empowerment.
I hope this sparks your curiosity and that I get to meet you in our community group to share more!
Jochen Raysz
I deeply feel the urgency of the global environmental and social crisis. Simultaneously, I am excited about the vast potential we can tap into at this critical time in our evolution.
Combining 25 years of experience as a co-founder, executive, coach and meditation teacher, I support impact-driven leaders to live their full expression, unlocking fearless authenticity, presence, resilience, clarity and purpose.
I have a Masters in Psychology, Neuroscience and Management and have been facilitating leadership development and cultural change programs since the late 1990s.
In 2005, I began teaching Dzogchen in the US, Europe, Asia as well as online. My particular vantage on this ancient tradition is to bring the essence of meditation into our work with leaders and executive teams through practices that seamlessly integrate into day-to-day life at home and at work.
I am excited to nurture this community for sustainability leaders to support each other to thrive and grow their impact. As a global human culture, we have what it takes to solve the problems we have created and thrive individually and as a species in co-creative harmony with the planet and beyond.

Asaf Chesner
I care deeply about the environment and the well-being of humans and other animals on this Earth. It all started for me in third grade in a year that was dedicated to environmentalism.
In the last 15 years I have been working as a Meditation Coach and Operations Leader building communities around the world dedicated to positive impact. This led me to meet and work with many brilliant individuals and teams from more than 20 countries, and taught me many great lessons about the beauty and power of diversity when creating positive change, together.
I have been managing two Retreat Centers in India and Sweden, and have served on the board of a nonprofit in Sweden. My background includes an MBA degree and postgraduate studies in sustainability, this allows me to have a wide context for contributing to a better future.
I am very excited to further bring my passions into expression – impactful leadership, meditation and sustainability.
I truly believe in the power to make the urgent changes we need for ourselves and the world. I know from direct experience the great impact of an empowered community of leaders.
Join Our Network of Sustainability Leaders
As a network of passionate sustainability leaders, we meet online to learn from and support each other to grow so we can co-create the world we all want to see. Our culture is rooted in inner resilience, empowerment, solution-focus, cheerfulness, and a pioneering spirit.